Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I would like to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.  I hope you all have a blessed day with family or friends.
A few things I am Thankful for:
I am Thankful for everyone that follows my blog I really appreciate it and I am so excited that I now have 10 followers.  I hope you find some of my posts interesting as much as I find yours.
I am Thankful for my customers without you my dreams would not be coming true.
I am Thankful for a wonderful husband that puts up with all my messes and helps me with some of my projects, and for taking the beautiful pictures for my website.  Thank-You for being you!
I am Thankful for my two beautiful children Michael and Amanda.  I love you both!
I am Thankful for my beautiful Grand Daughter Keyarra, you always make me laugh!
I am Thankful for family and friends.  Thank-you for supporting me.
I am Thankful for the service men and women that put their lives on the line for me.  Thank-you for freedom!
I am Thankful to God who put me here so I can enjoy all these wonderful things!

I know the list could go on and on but I just wanted to list a few highlights. I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and you give Thanks to a few of your highlights.  Thank-You for being you! ~Enjoy!~
Prim Blessings!  Robin

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Just added to my website!

Yes! I finished adding my items that I made to my website.  I know I'm a little behind in the holidays but hopefully soon I will catch up. I have some Christmas holiday projects that I am working on and hopefully I will get them on my website before that holiday is up too.  Here's a couple of pictures of the items I listed.  Enjoy!

Prim Blessings!  Robin 

Monday, November 15, 2010

I Listed some signs!

I didn't get as much done as I was hoping to but I did manage to get all the pictures taken and cropped.  I listed some of the signs on my website, tomorrow I'm hoping to finish listing the rest of my items I finished so far.  I did get some stitching done and as soon as I get done here I going to continue. Cutting out the patterns is going to have to wait until tomorrow.  The life of a crafter!
Here is some of the signs I listed today.  Hop on over to the website to see more!  Thanks for stopping by!

Prim Blessings! Robin

Getting ready for a photo shoot!

Well slowly but surely I'm getting there! Today is the day I'm going to get some things added to my website.  Hopefully nothing will stand in the way!

It looks like my day is going to busy, I have lots of things on my to do list.  I have stockings to make, some stitching to do, some ornies to finish, and if there is any time left I'll cut some more patterns out.  Oh where do I start?

So keep watching, I'll keep you posted.

Prim Blessings!  Robin

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Getting ready for the Holidays

I've been blog hopping again and everyone is showcasing their holiday wares.  Everyone's blogs look so nice, I feel very behind. I didn't even get all my Halloween stuff listed on my website. I wish I was better at setting up my blog it is not as easy as it looks.  My pictures don't go where I would like them to.  Whats up with that? 

There are a lot of blogs that have some awesome giveaways!  The Primitive Bucket has a awesome snowman giveaway check out her website.
There is also a holiday blog hop going on at the Buttermilk Basin you should check that out too!  They will feature an artist from Nov 2nd thru Nov. 10th every Tuesday and Friday.

I've been working on some signs again and hopefully I will get them on the website within the next week or so.  Weather permitting!  I do have some dolls and other items I've been working on too but like I said I feel very behind compared to some of the other blogs I been reading.  Oh Well! I'll blame it on there isn't enough time in a day!
Prim Blessing to you all!  Robin