Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Wishing you all a Happy New Year!
I hope the New Year brings you all lots of happiness, good health, and prosperity!
Prim Blessings to you all!

Christmas Blues

I think I was going through the Christmas Blues.  Christmas was such a rush and it happened to fast. It was here and then it was gone.  For days after Christmas I was lazy and didn't want to do anything.  It had to be the Christmas Blues!   I didn't know what to do.
So yesterday I had my Grand daughter Keyarra come over to spend the night.   We had a ball!  We made cookies, baked a cake in her easy bake oven lol, made some more peanut butter balls (they are her favorite) played sorry and guess who, painted each other nails, watched movies and I taught her how to stitch.  She traced a picture from her coloring book and wrote her name under it, then she traced her design onto fabric and picked out her colors, I got her started and she did most of it on her own(I had to get the knots out) but she had fun and she learned something new.  As soon as I get the pictures down loaded from my camera I will show you all her finished product.
Now I feel better and full of energy I think that's what I needed, just some time to feel like a child again!
I've been reading every ones blog and it looks like most of you had a wonderful Christmas and I'm happy for you.  To the few that were sick or had lost a loved one, I pray for you and hope for a quick recovery.
I hope your New Year is better and brighter! Prim Blessings! Robin

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!  
I hope you all have a wonderful and joyous day with your family and friends.
Prim Blessings!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Some Christmas Decorations

Good Morning Everyone!
It's snowing here in Wisconsin so I thought it would be a good time to post some of the Christmas pictures I have been promising.  These are some groupings I did in my kitchen.

These are some pictures in my dining room.  I love snowmen!

 These trees have my snowmen ornaments on them.
 This is looking into my dining room from my kitchen.

I wanted to put something in my bird bath that I have in the bathroom.  I thought this was perfect!
This is my tree in the living room, this tree has my prim ornies, ornaments that were giving to us, and the ornaments that my children have made through out the years. 
On top of my entertainment center I put my collection of Swarvoski snowflakes, I love the way they sparkle with the lights.
I put this grouping together outside by my kitchen door.  The red scooter I found when I went barn picking.

I hope you enjoyed some of the pictures,  there was a lot more but I didn't want to over whelm you all so I just picked out the highlights.

Prim Blessings! Robin

Friday, December 17, 2010

Will be listing on my website soon!

I'll be listing a few items on my website hopefully later tonight or tomorrow morning.  Take a look and let me know what you think.

I wrapped all the presents, I'm sooo glad that is done!  I wrote out the cards and shipped out the gifts that had to be mailed.  I'm slowly but surely getting there.

I know I have to post my Christmas decorating yet.  I'll try to do that this weekend!

I hope you are all staying warm and taking some time for yourself in the mad rush we are in.

cookie cutter sign with square nails

dry mittens with black hooks

North Woods St. Nick (pattern by: Country Stitches)

The stockings are done on coffee stained burgundy homespun (stitch designs by: Primitive Stitches)

Prim Blessings!  Robin

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Concert

Hi Everyone!  Its nice to see I have some new followers, Welcome and Thanks for joining in.
Today I went to my Grand Daughter Keyarra's Christmas concert.  Keyarra is a first grader at Readfield Elementary School.  What a joy! Yes I could feel the tears weld up, only because watching her up there singing brought back so many memories of going to my own children's  Christmas Concerts.  Oh my, how fast they grow.
The children did such a wonderful job.  Some of the kids were dressed in their Christmas finest and some looked like they just got out of bed.  Some of them sang from the heart and some you could tell didn't know the words or were to shy to sing.  Some rolled their eyes and some picked their noses.  It didn't matter though they all did great!
Just to see the sparkle in their eyes and the joy on their face, whether they were proud because they felt they did good or because they spotted someone there that came to see them perform.  That's what it is all about.  I am so glad that I was able to be there and watch all of them perform.
After the concert Grandpa and I took Keyarra to Perks for build your own taco's to celebrate her great performance.  While we were there she had to sing her songs for some of our friends, because she said they were unable to attend the concert.  I thought that was so sweet for her to do that, usually she is so shy around people she doesn't know.  What a Blessed day!
I hope you all have a Blessed Day and some of your own memories to bring a smile to your face or tear to your eye.
Prim Blessings!  Robin


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Blizzard Adin

Well we had a blizzard alright!  It started early Sat. morning  then it quit for awhile and started snowing again around 5:00 pm.  Our grand daughter Keyarra was over to spend the night.  At 8:00 p.m. is when it really started, my husband and Keyarra went to go brush their teeth for bed and my husband told her to turn the light back on that she just turned off.(he didn't realize mother nature was in control) the lights flickered for a while and then poof out went the lights again. The wind was blowing and howling releasing its flurry.  I lit some candles and continued cross stitching by candle light (I felt like a pioneer woman of days gone by) The lights would come back on and go off for the next couple of hours.  I had enough, time to turn in.  We woke the next morning to 11 inches of snow and the wind was still blowing, and the lights still flickered.  Keyarra was so excited to see all the snow she had to go outside with the dogs and make snow angels they had a blast, I looked at it as a back ache.  After breakfast it was time for Keyarra to go  home.  I crossed her across the street to watch her walk home(she just lives down the street from our house), I had to laugh, she would be walking across the drifts of snow on the side walks and then all of a sudden all you would see was the top of her pink hat.  Then she would reappear, I could see she was getting tired,so she then decided it was easier to crawl across the snow drifts the rest of the way home.

When I went out to shovel I looked around and a lot of the neighbor men were out snow blowing their driveways. They all looked like snowmen all covered in snow. I'm glad I don't know how to work the snow blower, I would rather shovel then to have all that snow blow in my face.  Then some nice man in a red pickup truck  plowed out our driveway, after he was done I saw he went down the street and anybody that didn't have their driveways cleared he plowed it out for them.  (Thank-You nice man in the red pickup truck) That is why I like to live in a small town everyone seems to look out for each other.

The storm has tamed down now, Hopefully!  I would have posted earlier but I couldn't connect to the internet  until now and I had to read two days worth of posts.

I hope you all stay warm!  Prim Blessings! Robin

Friday, December 10, 2010

The 1840 House Blog

Good Morning to everyone.
I just got in from shoveling that pretty white snow I talked about last night.  I changed my mind for now, I don't like that pretty white stuff. ( Just kidding.)  I did get my exercise though, I thought I would help the neighbors out and shovel they sidewalks too!  Sometimes it makes you feel good when you do a nice gesture for someone else.  And according to the weather guys were suppose to get another 8 to 10 inches tomorrow.  YIPPEE!
I have to mention that if you haven't been to The 1840 House Blog you need to stop on over.  Not only is she doing a giveaway her house is beautiful!  If any of you love primitives you will just love her house, it is very primitive.  Here is her link

Now that half of my morning is gone I need to get going.  I want to finish the Santa's I'm been working on before I have to go to the restaurant this afternoon. 
Have a great day and Prim Blessings!  Robin

Thursday, December 9, 2010


I love it! We finally got some snow here in Wisconsin.  Now maybe it will feel  more like Christmas time.  Nothing like a little snow to get you in the mood.   I just got home from helping out at the restaurant and I can say I don't like driving in the snow though.  But it is beautiful, I love the way it sparkles when the lights reflect off of it, and it just puts you in the mood when people have their Christmas lights on.

I have a question and maybe someone can help me out. I've been trying to fix it but I just can't seem to get it to work.  Why doesn't my profile image(picture) show up any more when I post a comment on someone's blog.  It used to when I first started blogging now it doesn't.  Does anybody have any suggestions?   Thanks!
Prim Blessings! Robin



Martha Stewart Giveaway!

Have you all heard about the Martha Stewart Giveaway?  I've been watching her show the last couple of days and saw she is having a giveaway.  You all need to go to her website and sign up I know your chance of winning is like winning the lottery but if you don't you won't win.  Her giveaway is a sleigh full of presents that she gives away to her audience every day on her show(sleigh not included)  Oh it would be fabulous to win that!  Go to her website and click on sweepstakes  it's called the Martha's Merry Gifts Sweepstakes.  Kitchen Aid is also doing giveaways on her website too.  Good Luck to all that sign up!

All your blogs that I have been reading look so festive and cheery and it looks like everyone is so busy.  I've been trying, I did get my Christmas decorations done.  I will post pictures as soon as my husband takes them for me.  My camera doesn't work and God forbid you touch his.  (I asked for a new camera for Christmas) It is also deer hunting season here in Wisconsin and he has been hunting after work so that doesn't help to get the pictures taken either!  As far as the shopping and baking don't even ask!

Don't forget to check out my side bar there are a lot of giveaways I listed there. (some are ending soon)

Prim Blessings!  Robin

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I would like to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.  I hope you all have a blessed day with family or friends.
A few things I am Thankful for:
I am Thankful for everyone that follows my blog I really appreciate it and I am so excited that I now have 10 followers.  I hope you find some of my posts interesting as much as I find yours.
I am Thankful for my customers without you my dreams would not be coming true.
I am Thankful for a wonderful husband that puts up with all my messes and helps me with some of my projects, and for taking the beautiful pictures for my website.  Thank-You for being you!
I am Thankful for my two beautiful children Michael and Amanda.  I love you both!
I am Thankful for my beautiful Grand Daughter Keyarra, you always make me laugh!
I am Thankful for family and friends.  Thank-you for supporting me.
I am Thankful for the service men and women that put their lives on the line for me.  Thank-you for freedom!
I am Thankful to God who put me here so I can enjoy all these wonderful things!

I know the list could go on and on but I just wanted to list a few highlights. I hope all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and you give Thanks to a few of your highlights.  Thank-You for being you! ~Enjoy!~
Prim Blessings!  Robin

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Just added to my website!

Yes! I finished adding my items that I made to my website.  I know I'm a little behind in the holidays but hopefully soon I will catch up. I have some Christmas holiday projects that I am working on and hopefully I will get them on my website before that holiday is up too.  Here's a couple of pictures of the items I listed.  Enjoy!

Prim Blessings!  Robin 

Monday, November 15, 2010

I Listed some signs!

I didn't get as much done as I was hoping to but I did manage to get all the pictures taken and cropped.  I listed some of the signs on my website, tomorrow I'm hoping to finish listing the rest of my items I finished so far.  I did get some stitching done and as soon as I get done here I going to continue. Cutting out the patterns is going to have to wait until tomorrow.  The life of a crafter!
Here is some of the signs I listed today.  Hop on over to the website to see more!  Thanks for stopping by!

Prim Blessings! Robin

Getting ready for a photo shoot!

Well slowly but surely I'm getting there! Today is the day I'm going to get some things added to my website.  Hopefully nothing will stand in the way!

It looks like my day is going to busy, I have lots of things on my to do list.  I have stockings to make, some stitching to do, some ornies to finish, and if there is any time left I'll cut some more patterns out.  Oh where do I start?

So keep watching, I'll keep you posted.

Prim Blessings!  Robin

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Getting ready for the Holidays

I've been blog hopping again and everyone is showcasing their holiday wares.  Everyone's blogs look so nice, I feel very behind. I didn't even get all my Halloween stuff listed on my website. I wish I was better at setting up my blog it is not as easy as it looks.  My pictures don't go where I would like them to.  Whats up with that? 

There are a lot of blogs that have some awesome giveaways!  The Primitive Bucket has a awesome snowman giveaway check out her website.
There is also a holiday blog hop going on at the Buttermilk Basin you should check that out too!  They will feature an artist from Nov 2nd thru Nov. 10th every Tuesday and Friday.

I've been working on some signs again and hopefully I will get them on the website within the next week or so.  Weather permitting!  I do have some dolls and other items I've been working on too but like I said I feel very behind compared to some of the other blogs I been reading.  Oh Well! I'll blame it on there isn't enough time in a day!
Prim Blessing to you all!  Robin

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Happy Halloween to all, I hope you all have a frightfully good time!  This is my favorite holiday and I'm like a kid filled with excitement for what this night might bring. I of course will dress up for the trick or treaters.  My house is all decked out as a haunted house with spooky music playing and life size props.  Who will be scared tonight?
After the trick or treating is over we will take a ride out to Spooky Hollow and see whats happening out there.  They set up an awesome haunted display for children as well as for the adults.  You stay in your car and drive through and there is people walking around your car dressed up in scary costumes I must admit I've been scared there before.  Well I must get going its almost time for the parade to start and I have to get ready.
                              HAPPY HALLOWEEN!                                


The night is dark
and the goblins are out,
and the witches and black cats
are prowling about.
And costumed creatures
the strangest I've seen,
are knocking on doors
Keyarra (My Grand Daughter)

Anita & Keyarra (Trick or Treat?)

Vera from Kauffv Designs and Me

Me (Trick or Treat?)


My Haunted House

'cause tonight's Halloween!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Dale Fire Cancer Walk

I just got home from the Dale Fire Cancer Walk. What A Great Success!  Kudos to the people that participated in this event.  They estimated about 250 people walked for cancer.  They raised about $14,235.00 for their first annual walk.  Next year it will be even better!  I Thank the Dale Fire Dept. for putting together this event, it means a lot to the people in our community, and to the people that are suffering with this terrible disease.  Thanks for all your hard work, dedication and the awesome breakfast you served us after the event.
Thanks also to the people that participated and to the people that sponsored us on this walk. Without you none of this could have been possible. 
Blessing to you all!  Robin from the Primitive Hutch._   

Friday, October 15, 2010

New Artist Added

Hello Everyone,

Exciting News here at the Primitive Hutch.  We just added a new artist to our website, Vera from Kauffv Designs.  You will find her art for now under the Prim Prints button.  Vera is a talented artist that paints in all different mediums.  Watch for more of her art work to appear soon.  I will keep you posted. 
I also added a lot of signs and primitive dolls onto the website, stop by when you have the time and check it out. 

 I'm also excited to announce that I am going to walk in the Dale Fire and Rescue Cancer Walk tomorrow morning.  All the money we raise will be donated to the American Cancer Society.  I am doing this for my mother and brother that lost their lives to cancer and for a lot of friends that are battling with the disease now.  Hopefully someday we will find a cure or a better solution to this awful disease. 

I would also like to thank all of the people for following my post it really means a lot to me. 
Thanks again and Prim Blessing to you all.  Robin from the Primitive Hutch.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Weekend Adventures/Happy Birthday Uncle Bruce

Had a great time this past weekend. I did go to the flea market and found some good deals on some door knobs for my pin keeps and I found some old bottles for a couple of bucks. It was very cold and windy out on Sat. a lot of the vendors were packing up early because it was just to cold and their wares were getting blown around. I still enjoyed my day there. After the flea market I went to the fabric store and picked up a few items I needed for some Halloween projects I want to work on for my Halloween displays. Here we go again some more projects! Then I went home to relax for a little while before I had to go help at the restaurant. Sunday will be a new day!

Sunday my sister Dawn and I went to the craft show in Greenville there were a lot of people out that day. The sun was out and it wasn't as cold as Saturday. There was so many vendors there it was hard to decide what to buy, but I didn't go home empty handed I found some awesome fall and Halloween decorations. It was a great time! After that we headed back to my sisters house for lunch and to watch some of the Packer game. We couldn't eat to much we were going out to eat later for her birthday and Uncle Bruces birthday-O'Charleys here we come! We all had a great time at the birthday party the food, service, and the company couldn't have been better. Uncle Bruce turned 85 this year but he will tell you he is 58! Uncle Bruce is also my last living uncle, he is married to Aunt Tootie (I wrote a post earlier about her) and he still works hard helping out on the farm. I hope I have as much energy as he does when I turn 85. Uncle Bruce you are a great guy and I hope you have many more Birthdays to come. But remember birthdays are like boogers the more you have the harder it is to breathe.
Love and Prim Blessings Robin from the Primitive Hutch

Friday, October 1, 2010

Fall and updates

Hi Everyone!
Sorry I haven't blogged in awhile, I've been very busy these last couple of weeks. Check out my website I added a lot of items that I've been working on and more to be added soon!

Oh I'm very excited this is my favorite time of year! I love the colors of fall and Halloween is my all time favorite holiday. I started to decorate the inside of my house yesterday I have a mix of fun fall displays, spooky and just down right creepy ones. I will try to post some pictures.

It looks like another busy weekend is coming up too. On Saturday is the M. Schuttel Flea Market. I haven't been to this one in awhile so I'm going to check it out. On Sunday is the huge craft show at the Greenville Park the Greenville Lioness put this one on and it usually is a big success. Then later we have to meet with my family for the Sept. Birthdays it is Uncle Bruces turn to pick and it looks like we are going to O'Charley's this is his favorite restaurant. We will be celebrating my sister Dawn, my brother Roger and Uncle Bruces Birthdays! Happy Birthday!

I just got my Create & Decorate magazine in the mail I can't wait to check out all the projects. Just what I need is another project! I already have a bunch of naked dolls in my craft room and dolls that need their detail put on, oh my where is the time!

If you get a chance I was blog surfing and found some unique blogs they are in my favorite blogs that I follow check them out you might find something interesting.

Happy Crafting and Prim Blessings Robin from the Primitive Hutch