Monday, July 25, 2011

Maxwell Street Days ~ Cedarburg WI

I've been wanting to post this for a week ~ so dog gone I'm gonna do it now!
Last Sunday July 17th I went to Maxwell Street Days in Cedarburg WI
It was soooo Hot & Humid which was a bummer ~ a lot of the vendors didn't show or a lot of them were packing up by noon.   I didn't take many pictures just to hot!
 This vendor that had a little bit of everything!

I love old crates!

This was just too funny!

 Some of the goodies I got ~ some old tins, buttons, wooden thread spools, flower frog, choppers, spoons, an old box with dividers, and an old glove box.

 My favorite find ~ an old glove box from the 1920's  ~ isn't it beautiful?
 Even the inside of the cover is engraved ~ now I have to find a pretty pair of gloves to put in it.

After we were done at the flea market we  walked downtown ~ wish I would of got more pictures.
Next time!
 There are a lot of old building / paper mills that have unique shops in them.

You can't go downtown without stopping at the candy shop!

Sorry bad picture ~ Just to sunny out!
Any who ~ both of their display windows are full of different flavored caramel apples at $7.00 a pop!

Yum! They are sooooo good!

We also stopped at another shop that was just filled to the rim with merchandise for all the holidays/seasons!
I should of taken a picture ~ forgot.
But I did buy this:

Danger Mosquitoes sign!
I put the sign above my door that goes out to my backyard, the mosquitoes are soooo bad this year ~ you almost need a blood transfusion if you stay out there to long!

This coming weekend my sister Sandy, my niece Niki and I are going road tripping in our travels we are headed to Tomah to some primitive shops and hopefully to WI Rapids to a shop called Country Freckles.
I'll make sure I take my camera and take more pictures!

I have a lot of blogs to catch up on and some projects I have to complete before I call it a night.
I hope everyone has a wonderful week!  
Happy crafting, traveling, treasure hunting or whatever you  may be doing!

Until next time
Prim Blessings!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Old Lady Morgan wants to know!

Hi everyone!
Old Lady Morgan wants to know what makes my heart skip a beat!

This really made my heart skip a beat when I got a call from my husband that his appendix ruptured and he was in the hospital.  This happened last Wed.  He had been sick ever since he got back from North Dakota. (we thought he had the flu)  They figured his appendix ruptured around June 29th.  I am so Thankful he is still alive.   After all he is my Prince Charming and I'm glad I kissed him!

My Children ~ so glad they live so close!

My Daughter ~ Amanda

My Son ~ Michael

My Grand Daughter ~ Keyarra ~ She's my world!

My Boyds bear collection  ~  I've collected them for years!

Prim Dolls make my heart skip a beat!

Pretty blue skies with white fluffy clouds!

Going on bike rides!
I Love my Bike!

Storms ~ They really make my heart skip a beat.
Right now a storm is rolling in ~ gotta get off the computer!

Join in the fun and sign up for Old Lady Morgans Giveaway!
Tell us what makes your heart skip a beat!

Until next time!
Prim Blessings

Monday, July 11, 2011

Oh my Gosh!

That's right Oh my Gosh ~ Words can't even describe how beautiful these creations are!
I entered a giveaway over at Falling Star Primitives and I won!
Look at all these goodies I received!

When I entered I was looking for a beautiful box to put my floss in when I'm stitching!
Boy did I have my fingers crossed when I entered!

Annie Crocker's Sewing Box
This is the top of the box! Oh ~  so prim perfect!

This picture is inside the lid of the box
I believe it's from an old child's book
~ just beautiful! ~

Prim perfect pin keep!

Another Prim Perfect pin keep with old scissors!

A beautiful stitched sampler pillow!

Thanks so much Lee!  I LOVE IT ALL!
Please stop over at Falling Star Primitives ~
and let Lee know how beautiful her creations are.

I will cherish these for a life time!
Prim Blessings

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Paine Art Center ~ Faire On The Green

Good Evening Everyone!

Today I went to The Paine Art Center ~ Faire On The Green ~ In Oshkosh, WI
There was so many talented artist there selling their fine art and creations.
I came across this booth which had some very unusual bug displays!

They had so many different kinds of rare, unusual, ugly, scary bugs to beautiful butterflies.
Boy were the kids fascinated with this booth!
Ken & Sandee Schmitt/collectors from Waukesha, WI
If you would like to know more contact them at

This artist from Black Canyon City, AZ had some beautiful art photography!

Shirley prints her photos onto canvas ~ the colors and details in them are amazing!
Poetic Images by Longfellow

My friend Jaime had her pottery booth set up there!
Jaime had so many beautiful pieces and I love the colors she uses in her creations!

If you would like to know more info about Jaime's pottery please go visit her here!

I love the rusty art for your garden too!

of course you can't go to an art fair/craft sale without stopping here!

Until next time
Prim Blessings

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Where is the Justice for Caylee???

My heart is breaking for this little girl today Caylee Anthony.
I believe in my heart that justice was not served today as her Mother walks free from all charges.
I guess the hardest one to swallow is she didn't even get it for child neglect.  Her child was supposedly missing for 31 days and she didn't report it ~ is that not child neglect???  To me this is very sad, if her Mother didn't do this, WHO DID????  We may never know.
It is also sad that she can not be retried and she could possibly make millions from this.

Casey Anthony cleared of murdering young daughter

Published - Jul 05 2011 07:49PM CST
By KYLE HIGHTOWER - Associated Press
Casey Anthony, center, is overcome with emotion following her acquittal of murder charges at the Orange County Courthouse in Orlando, Fla.,...
(AP Photo/Red Huber, Pool)
Casey Anthony, center, is overcome with emotion following her acquittal of murder charges at the Orange County Courthouse in Orlando, Fla., Tuesday, July 5, 2011. Anthony had been charged with killing her daughter, Caylee.
ORLANDO, Fla. — Casey Anthony's eyes welled with tears and her lips trembled as the verdict was read once, twice and then a third time: "Not guilty" of killing her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee.
Outside the courthouse, many in the crowd of 500 reacted with anger, chanting, "Justice for Caylee!" One man yelled, "Baby killer!"
In one of the most divisive verdicts since O.J. Simpson was acquitted in 1995 of murdering his ex-wife, Anthony was cleared Tuesday of murder, manslaughter and child-abuse charges after weeks of wall-to-wall TV coverage and armchair-lawyer punditry that one of her attorneys denounced as "media assassination."
Anthony, 25, was convicted only of four misdemeanor counts of lying to investigators who were looking into the child's June 2008 disappearance.
Anthony could get up to a year behind bars on each count when she is sentenced Thursday. But since she has been in jail for nearly three years already, she could walk free. Had she been convicted of murder, she could have gotten the death penalty.
After a trial of a month and a half, the Florida Ninth Judicial Circuit Court jury took less than 11 hours to reach a verdict in a case that had become a national cable TV sensation, with its CSI-style testimony about the smell of death inside a car trunk and its storyline about a seemingly self-centered, hard-partying young mother.
Prosecutors contended that Anthony _ a single mother living with her parents _ suffocated Caylee with duct tape because she wanted to be free to hit the nightclubs and spend time with her boyfriend.
Defense attorneys argued that the little girl accidentally drowned in the family swimming pool, and that Anthony panicked and concealed the death because of the traumatic effects of sexual abuse by her father.
State's Attorney Lawson Lamar said: "We're disappointed in the verdict today because we know the facts and we've put in absolutely every piece of evidence that existed." The prosecutor lamented the lack of hard evidence, saying, "This is a dry-bones case. Very, very difficult to prove. The delay in recovering little Caylee's remains worked to our considerable disadvantage."
Anthony failed to report Caylee's disappearance for a month. The child's decomposed body was eventually found in the woods near her grandparents' home six months after she was last seen. A medical examiner was never able to establish how she died, and prosecutors had only circumstantial evidence that Caylee had been killed.
Grace said after the jury's decision: "There is no way that this is a verdict that speaks the truth."
 Caylee Anthony ~ 2005 ~ 2008
May You RIP


Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!!

"Independence Day Poem"

America's birthday on the way, is cause for celebration ... Hooray!
Load up the car with food and drink, the kids, the dog, the kitchen sink.

Head to the lake, a day of fun. Play catch, play fetch, soak up the sun.
When evening comes, the drama begins. Uplifted faces, wide-eyed grins.

A burst of fireworks, show's underway ...
Happy Birthday, USA!"

Fireworks, with bright lights and loud noises, but nothing to fear.
Men marching in parades, holding the flag that waves every year.
The 4th of July, a time to remember and celebrate
all that we have, all that we've fought for, and all that we hold dear.

Wishing you all a blessed 4th of July
May you all have a safe and fun filled day!!!
Prim Blessings

Friday, July 1, 2011

My Birthday Giveaway Winner/Winners!!!

Hello Everyone!!!
I want to THANK everyone who entered my Birthday giveaway ~ YOU ALL made my Birthday very special!!!
I would  like to THANK everyone who took the time and posted my giveaway on your sidebar or did a post on it!!!
I would also like to WELCOME all the new followers ~ I hope you enjoy my little journey in life.

 My Grand Daughter Keyarra came over and helped me cut all the strips and put names to paper ~ then we put them all in a bowl.

Keyarra mixed them all up!!!

She drew a name ~ Oh who could it be???

 Granny Trace Scrapes & Squares  ~  Trace!!!
Congratulations Trace ~ Please send me your addy so I can mail you your goodies!!!!

I also decided to draw another name ~ after all it was my Blog Anniversary too!

Keyarra drew another name ~ Oh the anticipation ~ Oh who could this one be???

Congratulations to Brenda ~ The Rusty Thimble!!!
Brenda Please send me your addy too!  Yours is going to be a surprise!!!

Thanks again EVERYONE!!!  I wish I could give everyone something ~ but then I would be broke!
I'll have another one coming soon!!!

Until next time
Prim Blessings