Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Little of This & A Little of That!

Good Morn Everyone!
Sorry once again for not blogging as much as I feel I should be.
I really haven't done a whole lot of new lately.  I just been busy making creations and trying to get ahead, except I feel like I'm getting no where fast!
Here's just a few things I've been working on lately!
Jemimah ~ Pattern by: Lucy's Lazy Dayz Primitives

Have a ton of boards I've been working on ~ My sister Sandy came over and helped me paint backgrounds.  Thanks a bunch Sandy!!!

Here's one of my favorites and it already sold!  Yipee!

I like the way this one turned out too!
I've also been working on these:

Pennie ~ Pattern from Primitive Gatherings

Jack ~ A pattern I got out of the Oct. issue of Create & Decorate magazine.

Some pillow tucks I stenciled ~ I love the witch with the crow!

I made a ton of the pumpkins in all different sizes.
The witches shoes ornies are a pattern from Homespun Hugs & Calico Kisses!

I had an order to make all these bracelets (60 to be exact)!
Right now I have soooo many projects started I really don't know which way to turn.
I have more pillow tucks to do, more signs to finish, some orders for some dolls, cross stitches, a swap that Amy from Bumble Bee Lane is hosting, putting a giveaway together, and I have to get out my fall decorations ~ I haven't even started except for a few  little jacks that I picked up at the farmers market and an awesome pumpkin gourd I bought on Etsy.
Isn't he the best? I found him here ~

I haven't even had time to go treasure hunting.  Bummer :(
I picked up the vintage recipe box a few weeks back and my girlfriend Vera found this awesome piggy bank bear jar for me.  Vera your the best!!! I LOVE IT!!!  THANK-YOU!!!

Other than that, not much else going on EXCEPT ~
I'm going to:

Yep, I'm going!!!
I'm so excited  ~ my niece Niki and my sister in-law Gweyn are going with me!
I can't wait to meet some of the talented artist that I have been following here in blogland!!!
Hey Cranky Crow ~ there's room for one more ~ you still have time to change your mind!
We are leaving at 6:30 a.m. tomorrow  ~ going to be about a 9 hr. drive ~ Well worth it, I'm sure!

Well I better get going, I have lots to get done today before I have to go to work.
I'll see you all on Monday!
Oh and Brenda if I win your giveaway ~ Please hold it for me!!!

Until next time!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Prim Blessings

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Kindred Spirit Doll Swap!

Recently I participated in the Kindred Spirit Doll Swap that Amy from Bumble Bee Lane was hosting.
Please stop over and see Amy's blog, I'm sure there is something you will like, she always has such nice prim pictures to share.  Don't forget to say Hi!

My swap partner was Tammy from A Primitive Place!
Look at all these goodies she sent me!
 A Beautiful cutter quilt pillow!  LOVE IT!

 An Awesome Fall scrap wreath ~ Perfect! My favorite color is black!

 Some Country Living Magazines and a yellow mini casserole dish ~ How did she know my kitchen was yellow ~ Tammy your the best!

You can't have to many of these!  This one is going to go next to my sewing machine!
So thoughtful!

 The Best for Last!
Isn't she just adorable???  Look at all the detail!
If you didn't already know ~ Halloween is my favorite holiday! 
Thanks Tammy!  I LOVE IT ALL!
I'm glad we were partners!
Please take a moment and go visit Tammy, I believe she is having a giveaway right now!

Until Next Time
I hope you get some Kindred Spirits in the mail!
Prim Blessings

Sunday, September 11, 2011

We Will Never Forget

We don't really know each other, but you will not be forgotten.
In honor and remembrance of all those that lost their lives on September 11, 2001
May You Rest In Peace.

We will remember all the people that lost loved ones on that fateful day ten years ago.
Condolences and prayers are being sent your way for your loss / losses.
May You Find Peace

We would also like to Thank all the emergency responders who risked their lives to save the lives of others.
God Bless You All

United We Stand

Monday, September 5, 2011

A Storm Isn't Going To Stop A Girl From Going Shopping!

On Friday rain and up to 80 mph winds swept through our neck of the woods.
 No the picture isn't blurry ~ that's the rain being blown around!
But that's not going to stop a girl from going shopping!
My niece Niki had seen the pictures on my blog from my visit to the Saving Grace shop (whats behind the yellow door) and wanted to go.
It was a beautiful sunny morning when I woke up ~ who would have thought it would turn evil!
It all happened so fast, it got dark and you could hear the thunder in the distance.  My sister got to my house to pick me up just in time.  She stepped onto my porch and then Mother Nature unleashed her flurry!
We waited on my porch for the rain to subside ~ I of course had my camera in hand and was taking pictures
of the rain pouring and swirling off my neighbors roof.
We really had no idea what was happening around us.
As soon as the rain and the wind calmed down some we jumped into the car to pick my niece up.
 We still had no idea what had happened around us.  The wind was whipping us around ~ it was hard to steer straight.
As we continued our journey to Berlin down Hwy 49 we were amazed to see all the debris, fallen trees
and power lines that were laying on the ground.
Some trees simply uprooted and fell over, some trees snapped liked they were twigs, and tops of pine trees looked they got a buzz cut.
 But we made it to Saving Grace and Niki was in her glory and found all kinds of goodies!
When we got home that's when we realized the full extent of the storm.
There were so many fallen trees and debris all over our little township and surrounding communities.
All you could hear was the hum of chainsaws buzzing in the air. 
A lot of people were without power, schools and businesses closed early, roads were blocked with fallen trees and power lines.  
(about an estimated 46,000 people lost their power)  Some still don't have power yet today!

We lost 2 trees in our yard, one of them being our 100+ yr old lilac tree.
My flower beds and garden are all laying flat.
I'm so glad I took pictures of all my beautiful sunflowers before they were all gone.
~ Until next time ~
I hope you all stay safe whether at home or in your travels
there's a little sunshine in your neck of the woods!


Prim Blessings

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Summer Send-Off VI

Good Morn Everyone!
I'm trying to play catch up here!
Last Sat. I took my Granddaughter Keyarra to the 
"Bill Tesch Memorial"  Concert, Parade & Great Bike Give-Away!
Sponsored by: The Greenville Fire Dept. & E.M.S
and the Greenville Civic Club
It was a very hot day ~ but we had a fabulous time!
There was a lot of people waiting for the parade to start so they could get their tickets for the Great Bike Giveaway!
 Both sides of the street were packed with people ~ see the hill in the background that is where the parade was headed!
There was a lot of wonderful floats and area businesses that attended!
Lets Go To The Parade!
Everyone stood for this one!

 Awesome fire truck!

old fire truck!

 Fire Truck from our township!  Hi Donny!

 Old bike!
Thanks for everything you do for our community!

 I Love old cars!

 Look at all those bikes!  They had 2 flatbeds filled with bikes!

After the parade we went to the Greenville Lions Park with our bike ticket in hand!
Lets see if we can win a bike!

There was so many kids there wishing for a bike.  I told Keyarra  don't get your hopes up ~ not everyone will win a bike.

Oh what a happy day!
I hope you all have a wonderful and happy day too!
Until next time!
Prim Blessings