Thursday, August 30, 2012

This Is Where You'll Find Me!

Hello Prim Friends!
Why oh Why does life have to be soooo busy???
Where oh Where does the time go???
Any of you feeling that way??? 
I really don't understand what's going on ~ it seems the days are going faster and faster.
I don't feel like I accomplish much in a day.  Why???
Well if you've been looking for me ~ This is where you'll find me.
I've set up at our local farmers/craft market on Fridays before I have to go help out at the restaurant.
(No ~ that's not me ~ that's my sister Sandy) 
I'm so grateful to have her in my life ~ she helps me out soooo much. 
What would I do without her???

My friend and next door neighbor Vera ~ Kauffv Designs is also setting up there.
Trying to talk her into doing posts on her blog ~ she does beautiful paintings!!!
(Hint Hint Vera!)
There are so many wonderful productive vendors at the market.
Look at all the wonderful produce and such.
I Love fresh cut beans!
Beets ~ Another wonderful vegetable!
What in the world are these???  Do they taste like cabbage???
Squash ~ Aren't they sooo pretty all in a row???
Look how big they are!!!  Another YUM!!!
Have to have some pretties too!!!
Honey!!!  I've found a local vendor to buy some beeswax from ~ YIPPEE!!!
(Honey Bee Ware)
Have you ever tried these???  Health shot loaded in a straw!!!
So that's where I'll be every Friday ~ unless it's raining.

You'll also find me working away on my creations ~ Just a little peek at what I've been working on.
Another wonderful pattern from Jackie Schmidt and spider web hunting!

Pumpkin Head make-do ~ pattern from Bittersweet Folkart!
(See I'm trying to multi task ~ reading blogs while I work)
No that's not all I've been working on ~ can't give it all away ~ I'm in swaps!!!
You'll also find me here ~ After working on creations all day ~ I just need to take a break.

Where did that squirrel go???

Watching the sun set.

Taking pictures of the wildflowers ~ just taking it all in!

So serene
Look how fast it changes in a matter of minutes.
What's that noise in the distance ~ explore ~ Cranes.

And ~ Watching the moon rise high!
So that's where I'll be!
Busy as a Bee on a Sunflower!
Thanks so much for stopping by!
I love visits from my friends.
Wishing you all a Wonderful and Joyous Day!!!
Prim Blessings

Friday, August 10, 2012

Just One More Thing!!!

Hello Friends!
So sorry I've been missing in action again ~ I've been trying to read every one's blog post when I can and when time permits I do post comments. 
The days just seem to be passing me by so quickly and I'm tired by the end of the day.
Hopefully I'll catch up soon and can be on an even pace... smile...

I did get back to Rita's wonderful prim shop and took some pics of her shop for all of you to see.
You never know when you'll be in the area and would like to stop by!!!
Graceful Reminders ~ Appleton WI
Please step inside!!!
Sorry about the glare in some of the pics ~ the sun was shining so bright that day.

So many wonderful prim goodies in her shop!!!
Please let her know I sent ya!!!

I did manage to get a flea market last weekend ~ bet you'll never guess what I picked up!!!
Yep more decorative glass jars!
The two jars on the left are mustard jars ~ the two jars in the back are honey jars ~ just love those!
The jar on the right is a peanut butter jar.
I did purchase other items ~ buttons, clothes pins, skeleton keys, tin molds and sewing notions.

Went over to A Simpler Time in Ripon ~ was a little disappointed ~ was hoping to see lots of fall prim goodies ~ but they haven't all arrived yet ~ going to have to make another trip!!!
I bought the child's chair at Graceful Reminders the pumpkin I purchased at A Simpler Time!

We also celebrated another wonderful Birthday with Aunt Tootie!!!

Happy Birthday Aunt Tootie ~ Love Ya!!!

I've been working on some prim goodies ~
Just love it when I can hang things on the line to dry!

I also want to do a shout out for a friend that sent me some wonderful goodies in the mail.
I love getting surprises in the mail ~ Thank-You Christina ~ Pendleton Primitives for thinking about me!!!
Christina sent me a wonderful card ~ yummy recipes ~ a prim ditty bag and some of her wonderful smelling candle sticks.  Thanks so much Christina ~ I Love it All!!!
Are you following Christina ~
 go give her a visit!!!

Don't forget Amy over at Bumble Bee Lane is accepting sign up's for her
Harvest Gathering Swap!!!
Hurry deadline is fast approaching!
This should be a fun one!!!

Just one more Thing!!!
My Sister Dawn is doing a survey for her Masters Degree in Business ~ she is doing a research paper on how to promote your handmade/homemade business.  I did send out the link to some of you via email ~ Thanks so much for all the quick responses so far!!!
If anyone would like to help my Sister out please follow the link and take the survey.

Thanks everyone for sticking with me through this long drawn out post!!!
Your The Best!!!

Until Next Time!
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!!!
Prim Blessings