Monday, February 28, 2011

Yeah! I finished Basil!

I finally finished Basil to be entered into Raven Wood Whimzies springtime challenge.  I have to admit I have never created anything like this.  I usually follow someones creative pattern.  This was a lot of fun to see this creation evolve. A big Thank-You to Wendy for hosting this challenge.
Here is my version of Basil!
If you haven't joined in the fun yet hop on over to Wendy's blog ~ There is still time to sign up and join in.
Until next time ~ Prim Blessings!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Look what I got in the mail!

Hi Everyone!
I have to share what I got in the mail.  I love getting packages! 
I ordered this from Ivonne over at * The Crackling Crows*
I just LOVE her banners.  The colors she uses are soft and appealing to the eye.  Ivonne has so many banners to choice from or you can have her make one especially for you.
I opened the box and this is what was inside.  The wrapping was so pretty ~ I hated to untie it.
I Love her design on the package!

Here it is ~ My Banner!  I LOVE IT! Ivonne.  Thanks! 
I'm going to hang this banner in my craft room ~ because that's what we do ~ DREAM

If you would like to get your own banner or just check out her blog hop on over and say Hi to Ivonne
Until next time ~ Prim Blessings! ~ Robin

Monday, February 21, 2011

Winter Snowstorm Dana!

Hello Everyone!

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, it was a busy week around here.  I been working on projects for the website which I forgot to take pictures of.  I'll post pictures when I take them for the website.

My son Michael and his fiance Anita got married on Saturday Feb 19th. It was a beautiful wedding even though we didn't have a lot of time to prepare.  (I'll have to post pictures later, when my husband downloads the pictures from his camera.).  My Grand Daughter Keyarra came home with me after the wedding reception, it was very late by the time we got home.  So Sunday we were very lazy all day.  We played games, read books, watched movies on t.v. and  watched the winter snow storm Dana whip its flurry upon us.

Winter snow storm Dana started to move in before noon yesterday!

By late afternoon the snow started to pile up.

 Come night fall it was still snowing.
 We got quite a few inches already.
Watch the tracks in the snow.
A couple hours later!
Where did the tracks go?
Around midnight I went to the end of the driveway the wind was fierce.
In some spots the drifts were up to my knees.

Today this is what I woke up to.
It's my job to shovel off the deck. Yuck!!!

My husband was already snow blowing the driveway.

He is almost done!

It was so windy out today, the snow was blowing back in his face.
Yeah! I'm done!
While I shoveled off the deck Keyarra made Snow Angels.
No, I didn't finish shoveling the deck ~ too cold!
But with the snow I did shovel we made a snow hill.
And while I was writing this post it was still snowing. 
 The rest of the shoveling can wait until tomorrow.
Hopefully it won't be as cold!

I hope you all stay warm!
Prim Blessings!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

Valentine Smile
On Valentine's Day we think of those
Who make our lives worthwhile,
Those gracious, friendly people who
We think of with a smile.
I am fortunate to know you,
That's why I want to say,
To a rare and special person:
Happy Valentine's Day!
By Joanna Fuchs
Happy Valentines Day Everyone!
With the warmest wishes and prim blessings!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

We Won! Super Bowl XLV

Yeah!   We Won!    Super Bowl XLV   Final Score 31 ~ 25  
Way to go Packers!  GO ~ PACK ~ GO
What a great game!  I can't believe it ~ it was kinda scary at the end ~  But we did it. We're #1

If you had one shot, and one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment
Would you capture it ~ or just let it slip?
~Eminem, "Lose Yourself"

Enjoy the moment!
Prim Blessings! 

Get your game face on!

Happy Sunday Everyone!
Today is the day! Go Pack Go!  The anticipation is mounting. Who is going to win!
We are going to a friends today to watch the Super Bowl Game, at least the first half. We also promised out son we would come over to his house.   We will watch the second half of the game with him.  I usually don't watch many football games I prefer to be creative at that time or watch a good movie.  But I do like to watch the Super Bowl  commercials! Of course today we have to watch the game our beloved team is playing! Go Pack Go! I'm sorry I already said that, but the anticipation get over bearing sometimes it is like waiting for A Primitive Place magazine to arrive in the mail.  Where is it by the way? 
I hope you all enjoy your day! 
Until next time ~ Prim Blessings! Robin

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Winner is.....

First off I would like to Thank Everyone who entered my first giveaway and became a follower! I really enjoyed reading all of your comments and the wonderful places you like to visit. 
I hope you all enjoy the journey with me in blog land!
  Without further ado!

Drum Roll......
Congratulations Nancy Huggins!
Please email with your shipping info!
That's not it!
I would also like to Thank all the wonderful people that took the time and effort to promote my giveaway! 
So all the names of those people went back into the bowl.
Sorry! We have to do another drum roll!
And the winner is:

Congratulations Amy from Cottage Prims!
Please email me with your address so I can send your Thank-You gift out.
This is what Amy will be receiving.

Congratulations to you both!
Prim Blessings! Robin