Monday, February 21, 2011

Winter Snowstorm Dana!

Hello Everyone!

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, it was a busy week around here.  I been working on projects for the website which I forgot to take pictures of.  I'll post pictures when I take them for the website.

My son Michael and his fiance Anita got married on Saturday Feb 19th. It was a beautiful wedding even though we didn't have a lot of time to prepare.  (I'll have to post pictures later, when my husband downloads the pictures from his camera.).  My Grand Daughter Keyarra came home with me after the wedding reception, it was very late by the time we got home.  So Sunday we were very lazy all day.  We played games, read books, watched movies on t.v. and  watched the winter snow storm Dana whip its flurry upon us.

Winter snow storm Dana started to move in before noon yesterday!

By late afternoon the snow started to pile up.

 Come night fall it was still snowing.
 We got quite a few inches already.
Watch the tracks in the snow.
A couple hours later!
Where did the tracks go?
Around midnight I went to the end of the driveway the wind was fierce.
In some spots the drifts were up to my knees.

Today this is what I woke up to.
It's my job to shovel off the deck. Yuck!!!

My husband was already snow blowing the driveway.

He is almost done!

It was so windy out today, the snow was blowing back in his face.
Yeah! I'm done!
While I shoveled off the deck Keyarra made Snow Angels.
No, I didn't finish shoveling the deck ~ too cold!
But with the snow I did shovel we made a snow hill.
And while I was writing this post it was still snowing. 
 The rest of the shoveling can wait until tomorrow.
Hopefully it won't be as cold!

I hope you all stay warm!
Prim Blessings!


  1. Granddaughter is adorable what fun getting snowed in and enjoying games and movies!We got about 6 inches here last night.I'm with you stay in and be cozy and warm.(that's what the windows are for) LoL..Warm Blessings!~Amy

  2. Wow,, I am cold just looking at that snow. we have some ice and snow this am. I am soooo ready for Spring. Congratulations to your son and new bride!!! Your granddaughter is adorable, so glad you had a day of fun together.

  3. Sometimes the good lord makes us take a lazy day and it turns out just right... Sounds like you and your grand daughter created some warm Fuzzy memories...

    Wow you got hit good with another round of snow...Thankfully we didn't get that much here in central Ohio..but we did get freezing rain... My van looks like an Ice sculpture. Doors frozen shut.

    Stay warm and safe...


  4. Robin-

    You got lots more snow then we did. We unfortunately got the ice, yuck :( Luckily we didn't lose power like many others around us. I don't blame you for not wanting to shovel off the deck, no fun! Winter has long since lost it's appeal, where is spring?

    Stay warm

  5. That's a lot of snow.
    Fun to play in but not fun to shovel!
    Stay warm!

  6. That sure is a lot of snow! Poor hubby, with his red rosy cheeks, he must have been really cold by the time he had done blowing the snow away.

    Many congratulations to your son and your new daugther-in-law!

    Keep Warm and stay safe in the freezing cold weather.


Thanks for taking the time to stop by and leave me a comment!!!
Have A Great Day!!!