Thursday, May 5, 2011

Where does the time go???

Good Evening Everyone!
I'm telling you I just don't understand where the time goes these days.  Why was it when we were younger we had all the time in the world ~ carefree days!  Now as I'm getting older the time just seems to fly by.  There is so much to do and I just can't seem to catch up.  I'm so far behind in blog land, but I am trying to read and catch up with everyone (that is why I have been commenting on older posts, sorry)

Yesterday (Wed) was such a great day ~ it was beautiful outside the sun was shining and the air was warm.
I've been waiting for this day to arrive, so I can do my finishing work on my signs.  I've been painting on my signs during the rainy days (remember the pile of wood I had my husband cut in an earlier post)
This is some of the signs I've been working on, there are more stacked on my kitchen counter and out in the garage.
I've also been working on other things for the booth I have and for my website but I can't show you because some of the items are for the Farmhouse Summer Swap that I signed up to do.  Renee from Recollecting the Past is my partner and I hope she will like the items I put together for her.  I'll have to show you  the items on a future post.

My friend Vera from Kauffv Designs came over (o.k. she walked through the back yard) and brought over some items for me to sell on the website or take them to the booth.  The paintings she did are so beautiful!

She painted this on an antique childs ironing board.
I can't believe all the detail ~ look at the nail on the birdhouse it's bent!

I fell in Love with this as soon as I saw it ~ I think I'm going to buy this one!

She also brought over this beautiful painting of hydrangea's done up on a screen.

This weekend I'm going to be spending with my sisters Sandy and Dawn.  We will be going to Sheboygan to do some shopping, sight seeing and what ever else we find to do on Sat. and then on Sun  we will be at Lakeland College to watch Dawn graduate.  
Yeah I know I'll be behind again in blogland.  I will catch up sooner or later.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Until next time 
Prim Blessings


  1. We have a collection of old remotes at our house. Have no idea what half of them are for, but I like to fantasize that one of them can pause time while we catch up! Wonderful painting! ~*~Lisa

  2. I agree I find that as I am getting older, time is just flying by. It makes me wish that I could go back to the days when my kids were babies, and I could have enjoyed it more! Have a great day!

  3. My life is always one step behind your time with your sisters.Love the gossip sign you did and your friends work is lovely.I used to have time to paint but haven't in a while.Wanted to be a artist when I was younger.Can't wait to see what you a Renee swap.Hugs!~Amy

  4. Time does seem to fly. I can't believe it is already May! The signs will be great sellers for you.

  5. Oh Robin - I'm right there with you. The days just used to be longer, didn't they? I, too, am behind in blogland - a day or two (sic - a week or two) of computer issues, and I feel there may be no hope of catching up - but I'm trying....and hoping folks who have taken the time to follow me, and/or leave such wonderful comments, understand. Your signs are awesome! LOVE them! (And your friend's paintings remarkable....WOW!) Keep on the sunny side friend. Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  6. I know all about trying to catch up. I do it all the time. I agree with you that the older I am getting time is just flying by.
    I love your signs.


Thanks for taking the time to stop by and leave me a comment!!!
Have A Great Day!!!