Friday, June 17, 2011

It's Giveaway Time!

First off I would love to say Welcome to all my newest followers!
Thank-You to all my followers that have been with me for awhile!
I appreciate everyone of you and I am very grateful to have so many awesome friends!
~ O.K. now that we got the mushy stuff out of the way ~
You all heard it right ~ It's Giveaway Time!
Yesterday was my Blog Anniversary and today is My Birthday!
Yep It's My Birthday and I can do anything I want to do on My Birthday and I can think of no better way than to have a giveaway for my Blog Friends!
I love summer and I love flowers( my favorite flower is Johnny Jump Ups) so I made a garden doll to giveaway for one lucky winner!
This doll is a Blue MooN begiNNiNgs Design.

~ The Rules are going to be simple ~

1). You must be a follower of my blog (new followers welcome!) and you must have a blog of your own!
2). You must tell me your favorite flower
( that way I'll have a whole garden by the time we're done!)
3).  Post this on your side bar ~ receive an extra entry!
4).  Blog about this giveaway ~ receive an extra entry!

I will pick the winner on July 1st!
Please only do one comment and list everything you will do!
Thanks Everyone and Good Luck!
Prim Blessings


  1. Happy Birthday and Happy Blogaversary to YOU!!! So nice of you to think of us when it's your special time!! I am a follower and would love to be entered.. I posted on my sidebar. I love daisies and tulips. Have a wonderful day! Hugs, Tina

  2. What a wonderful reason to celebrate!
    Hope your day is filled with sunshine and flowers!
    I am a follower and I do have a blog. My favorite flower is the lilac. I am posting on my sidebar.
    :) ★Linda★

  3. Happy Happy Birthday to you, I hope you have a wonderful day. I love this little doll and would love to be entered in your giveaway. I would have to say my favorite flower is a cone flower. Hydrangers run a strong second...LOL
    Have a great weekend.

  4. Congrats and Happy Birthday to you.
    I am a follower and will post on my sidebar. My favorite flower is the geranium, I have several pots of them. Thanks, Cyndy

  5. Happy Birthday my sweet friend! Hope you have the bestest day ever! Love the doll,I've been really surprised with the dolls you've been making course I follow you and will post to my sidebar.My favorite flower? Hmm this is hard I like so many Pansy,love in a mist,lilacs but I guess my favorite would be sunflowers.So I'm in for 3 tries.Hugs!~Amy

  6. Happy Birthday! I am a follower and would love to be entered in your giveaway.
    My favorite flower is black eyed susans. So vibrant and old fashioned at the same time.
    I will post this on my sidebar.
    Country at heart

  7. WooHoo!!!! This lil' gal is too dang stinkin' cute Robin!!! I LOVE her! (And, ahhh...that crow in her arm....did you make her just for me??) ;o) Happiest of birthdays to you, Girlfriend - and congratulations on your blog anniversary! I would truly love to be entered in your wonderful giveaway (and love even more to win!!) Let's see...I'm a follower (you know), I have a blog (you know), I have the same name as you (what? doesn't count?); I'm from the same state as you (THAT doesn't count either??!); we both love the same holiday (Really - no extra chance for that EITHER??!!) Seriously....I have posted to my sidebar....will include your wonderful giveaway in a post; and my favorite flower (ruling out lilacs and hydrangeas as bushes) would have to be sweet peas....the bigger bunch, the better! Now, you - go celebrate!!! Big Smiles & Big Hugs ~ Robin

  8. Happy Birthday!!! I heard you have been busy. That is good news. If I can figure out how to add you to my blog I will. Keep up the good work! Oh my favorite flower is a sunflower. :)

  9. Please put my name in the pot for your wonderful giveaway. I'm a follower, happy birthday!, will blog and sidebar the giveaway info. Fav flower....hard to pick just one, but I'll say Pansy.
    Love, Laura

  10. Happy Birthday!! What a wonderful way to celebrate. Thanks for your generosity in offering the adorable doll in your giveaway. I am a new follower and so glad I found your blog. My favorite flower is the clematis and I will post your giveaway on my sidebar.

    hugs and smiles,

  11. Happy Birthday and blogiversary!
    Hope your day has been great.
    My very favorite flower is the cali lily.

  12. Isn't she adorable! I'd love to be entered. I'm already a follower and I will post on my blog and on my sidebar as well.
    My favorite flower is the delphinium!

    Happy Birthday & Blogaversary!
    Thanks for the sweet giveaway!

  13. Happy Birthday & Happy Blogiversary Robin!! Your prim garden doll is adorable and...
    1. I'd love to be entered
    2. I am a follower
    3. I will post on my sidebar
    4. I will doing an actual posting too.
    How generous...even on your Birthday!! Thanks!
    patti ;)

  14. favorite flower is the Lilac (I do have other favs too)...

  15. Happy Birthday and congrats on your blogaversary! Please enter me in your thoughtful giveaway.

    I am a follower.
    I will post this on my sidebar.
    My favorite flower is a rose.

    Bear Hugs & Blessings~Karen

  16. Happy Birthday to you!! Your doll is just adorable ~ I'd love to be entered in your giveaway.
    *I'm a new follower
    *my favorite flower is hydrangea (although I can't seem to grow one in my own yard to save my life! lol)
    *I will post on my sidebar
    Thanks & I hope you had a great birthday!

  17. I'm your latest follower and would love to be entered in your giveaway.
    My favourie flower has to be a rose, they smell so delicious.
    Enjoy your flower garden!

  18. New follower here, Glad I found your blog your work is so primtastic, my favorite is the wave petunias and ranuculas plus marigolds(there so hardy) oops I listed 3 ha, will post on my sidebar please enter me have a great bday

  19. Hi and Happy Birthday! I just found your blog and am now following it! I'd love to be entered in your giveway, it is wonderful! My favorite flower is the lilac, reminds me of the arrival of spring and Mothers day because my kids planted a bush for me when they were young. Thanks!

  20. happy birthday.... have popped you into my blog list so i can follow you more easily. I hope that you enjoy reading my blog too.
    Favourite flower... hmmm depends on the time of year, but i do like daffodils.
    love the giveaway.... my email is bluemoon!! lol

  21. Happy Birthday Robin! and congrats on your blogaversary!
    I'd love to be considered for your giveaway. This garden angel is beautiful!
    I am a follower ~of course and love to see what your up to.
    My favorite flower~ hmmm I have many but in picking just one would be hydrangeas~
    I am adding your giveaway to my blog sidebar.
    Thank you for the chances to win your sweet garden angel and thank you for sharing your b-day with all of us!

  22. Hi Robin! I am a new follower : ) Congratulations on your 1-year blog anniversary & I wish you a very happy birthday! Please enter me in your giveaway for this lovely doll. I have advertised it in a blog posting & also posted it to my sidebar. You also asked what my favorite flower is. Thats a hard one but I'd have to say lilacs are my all-time favorites. Please come visit my blog when you have a chance : ) Blessings, Shirlee

  23. Hope your birthday is wonderful! Please enter me in the drawing for your great giveaway!

  24. Good Morning, Robin,
    I would love to win this little dollie.
    *As you know I follow your blog, and have your link in my sidebar.
    *My favorite flower has always been the iris...but I'm sorta shifting to the hydrangia.
    *Does posting this on my new facebook page count? I'm heading there to try this now.

    Happy Birthday to both you and your blog. June is a great month, isn't it?!! Have a wonderful weekend. ~Natalie

    Please enter me..I am a follower I love your doll and my very favorite flowers are geraniums and violets beacuse they remind me of my gram.
    Hugs Granny Trace

  26. Happy Birthday!
    I am a Follower.
    I have my own Blog.
    I would Love to be entered in your giveaway. Love the Doll!
    My favorite flower is red geraniums.
    I will post this on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance.

  27. Happy Birthday and happy Anniversary. I hope your day is great.
    I would love to be entered in your giveaway.
    I am a follower.
    My favorite flower is a daisy but my favorite smelling flower is a lilac.
    I posted on my blog and also on my sidebar.
    Thanks for hosting.

  28. Happy Blogaversary and Happy Birthday! I hope that you have had a wonderful day .I am a new follower and I do have a blog ,I am posting on my sidebar ,and one of my favorite flowers is the purple coneflower.Hugs,Jen

  29. i just posted about you lovely blog too :).... commented last night already

  30. Happy Birthday and Blogaversary!
    I will have to take a chance and enter. I am not bright when it comes to the other stuff~ so this will be it for me. I am a follower and have my blog, and my favorite flower~ hmm~ that's a tough one! LOL!
    Mine would have to be the peony though. Thank you for offering this cute little gal.
    Have a great day!

  31. Happy Birthday!!

    I'm a new follower, and have posted your giveaway on my sidebar, and blogged about it. My favorite flower is the rose.

    Have a great week!

  32. Happy Birthday & Blogaversary too!
    I'm a new follower :D
    I love all flowers, but I especially love it when my Jasmine are blooming, they have such a heavenly scent. :D

  33. Happy Birthday! The Cranky Crow sent me over!! I hope your day is super! I love many's kind of hard to choose...but currently, I love peonies!

  34. Happy Birthday,,,and blogiverary....good luck, such a wonderful giveaway!

  35. Wow what a nice giveaway..what a cute garden doll. In my garden my fav flower is the Gerbera Daisy, bright and colorful and very easy to look after. I'm a up too late, past my bedtime, new follower and got ya posted on my sidebar. Belated Happy birthday. :-]

  36. Well I sure am late for everything these days LOL almost missed out

    A late Happy Birthday to you and a late Happy Anniversary to your blog!

    I am a follower and I will add to my sidebar
    Great doll Robin my favorite flower is Gerber daisies

  37. Hi Robin: I'm your newest follower and would love to win your sweet gardening doll. I'm blogging about your giveaway although blogger seems to have issues with uploading photos this morning. Right now, my favorite flowers are clematis. I love their big, cheerful blooms. Happy Birthday! ~Roberta

  38. Robin,

    I would love to be entered into your giveaway. Your dolly is so primtastic! Happy Birthday and Happy Blogaversary too!

    My favorite flower...Do I just have to pick one? Let's see...guess it would be echineceas for the summer months. I have 15 different colored ones and there are a few more I want to add to my collection. Roses are my next favorite all season flower. See it's hard for me to pick!

    I am a follower of your blog and will post to my blogs sidebar too. Thanks for the chance to win your prim dolly.


  39. Happy Birthday! Of course, you can do what you want!

    I am a new follower, I have a blog (several really) and my favorite flower is the sunflower. So bright and sun-shiney. Is that a word?

  40. happy birthday and i am so happy your blog has been around for so much. i never win anything, but, i keep trying. i love my lilacs, tulips, morning florys, sunflowers, and flowers from my granny, her and mine favorite flower is iris and i have a dark purple and light purple butterfly bush. thanks, i hope you have a wonderful day jody

  41. Robin, sorry I am late for wishing you a Happy Birthday!! Hope it was a great one. I am a follower and would love to be entered in your giveaway! The doll is precious! My favorite flower is the geranium, but I love so many. I will post your giveaway to my sidebar. Hugs, Lecia

  42. It's time to celebrate!! Thank you for including us:) I am new follower and I would love to win this adorable miss. She would be a welcome new friend at our house and I have just the doll quilt for her to cuddle with. I will post on my sidebar: Just One More Thing @ . My favorite flower? So hard to choose -- the old fashioned ones -- violets, lily of the valley, forget me nots, hydrangea.

  43. I am already a follower and my favorite flower is Impatience because they are easy to grow but I also love roses..I will post this on my side bar..I thought I already did but it isn't there so will go do it now.Would love to win your doll ..she would look perfect in my collection of prim dolls :)

  44. What a generous way to celebrate your birthday! YaY!! Happy (belated) birthday to you!! Thank you for such a great giveaway! She's adorable!
    Okay... My favorite flowers are Black Eyed Susans! ♥

  45. Happy belated birthday Robin and happy blogaversary! I'd love to be entered into your giveaway, your garden doll is adorable.
    1)I am a follower of your blog;
    2)My favourite flowers are columbines;
    3)I have posted a link to your giveaway at my blog (right sidebar under Great Giveaways);
    4)I just made a post about your giveaway at my blog, here's the link:
    Thanks for the opportunity and happy summer! Deb

  46. Hi Robin,

    I am a new follower, hope you had a great birthday! My favorite flower is the Japenese Iris. I love them because they look exactly like the regular iris but they are petite and delicate looking.

    I would love to be entered for this great doll. I will post about you on my blog "wickedfaeriequeen.blogspot" and I will gladly put your great giveaway on my sidebar. I am having a giveaway too so why don't you stop by and enter.

    Nice meeting you,


Thanks for taking the time to stop by and leave me a comment!!!
Have A Great Day!!!