Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Christmas at the Cabin Swap!

I wanted to share with you all the wonderful items I received.  I participated in the Christmas at the Cabin Swap that Amy ~ Bumble Bee Lane was hosting.  Thanks Amy for hosting another wonderful swap.  Please stop by and visit Amy 
She is also hosting a giveaway that will be ending soon.  You can find the link to the giveaway on the right.

My swap partner was Cyndy from Crafty Stitchers ~
 I couldn't believe all the wonderful items she sent me.  Every time I unwrapped an item I said "Oh My Gosh!!!"  Let's see if you do the same!

I received the cutest reindeer, wonderful smelling tarts, and a wonderful waxed Santa ornament!

So prim hand stitched star and prim Angel!

and Rueben ~ isn't he the best!!!

Thanks so much Cyndy, for the wonderful gifts you sent.  You will make my Christmas a little bit brighter!!!
Cyndy is also having a wonderful giveaway, please give her a visit too!!!  Her button to take you there is also located to the right.

I also want to Thank Shirlee from Farmhouse Ponderings ~
Shirlee seen my post a while back about what makes your heart go pitter patter that Old Lady Morgan was hosting and I posted some pictures of my Boyds Bears, so Shirlee as sweet as she is sent me a wonderful Boyds Bear that she had and wanted it to go to a good home.
Meet Courtney!!!

Thank - You so much Shirlee ~ she is so adorable!!!!
Some day ~ when ever I get that room cleaned up (all my business things are in there too) I will post pictures of  my collection!

Thanks Everyone for stopping by!!!
Until Next Time
I Hope Everyone Has A Wonderful Thanksgiving with Family and Friends!!!
Prim Blessings


  1. Wow Robin - what a wonderful swap! You got so many lovely goodies! Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. Oh my gosh!!! LOL - so prim perfect! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Robin! ~*~Lisa

  3. Yes I kept saying "Oh my gosh" LoL..Love the snowman especially.Sweet of Shirlee to send you a boyds that is a big one too.Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Big Hugs!~Amy

  4. So good to hear from you Girlfriend...Have been thinking about you. Wonderful swap goodies from Cyndy!! Should put you in the Christmas spirit!! And Courtney is adorable! How sweet of Shirlee to think of you!! I saw a Boyds Halloween kitty at an estate sale and had it in my hand for you, but then thought you undoubtedly must already have it - it was Boyds - and it was I didn't get it. Hope you tell me you have every single black Halloween cat Boyds has ever made or I'm gonna feel bad....Wishing you a wonderfully blessed holiday as well my friend....Smiles & Thanksgiving Hugs ~ Robin

  5. Wonderful swap goodies Robin and a very very belated Happy Thanksgiving to you!

    I have been out of blog land for a month or so, it's the time of year for not knowing which way is up so I shall take the oppurtunity to get in early and wish you and your family a very Happy Christmas!


Thanks for taking the time to stop by and leave me a comment!!!
Have A Great Day!!!