Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick or Treat!!! Happy Halloween!!!

We celebrated Halloween in our small town on Sunday!
The celebration starts by all the children dressed in costume to meet at the town park.
At 3:30 the towns fire trucks block the highway and the ghosts and goblins parade down the street to the town hall for the Annual Halloween Party!

Look at All the people!!!
Love that skeleton guy!!!

This has been a tradition since I was a little girl.  The excitement of having the highway blocked so I could be in a parade ~ such fond memories!!!
The only exception is that when I was little we didn't have Trick or Treating  ~ we just had a party at the town hall where our costumes were judged and if you were lucky enough to win ~ you won a dollar.  They showed silly cartoons and handed out treat bags.  My have things changed.
Now with the children off to the Halloween party ~ time to get my spook on!!!
My artist friend Mary painted my face ~ isn't she silly!!!

Here I am!!!
Waiting for the Trick or Treaters!

(Bummer ~ my battery died) I didn't get any more pics of trick or treaters :(
We all had a Spooktacular Time!
My Home!


Wishing you all a Spooktacular Halloween!!!


  1. A fun post
    I love those cats eyes in the upstairs window
    I wish I lived on a half busy street so I could decorate like that and someone would actually see it, lol
    Happy halloween

  2. What a fun time for everyone, I wish we would do that here as well, it would be so much safer for the kids. As it is, the kids over here wait until it gets dark and then run from house to house to get their treats. I always worry about them dashing across and back on the streets.

    Love the cat eyes in your top window!! Everything is so beautifully decorated, love it all!!

    It was pouring rain this morning but now it seems to have stopped so I'm hoping it doesn't start up again before the trick or treaters start arriving! Happy Halloween:-) xo

  3. Wow, what a celebration, sounds like lots of fun, love all of your pictures! hugs, Lecia

  4. Boo to you too! How fun to have the whole town do a Halloween it! Take care, Janice

  5. Robin! Love the pics of the ghouls & boos! Love how you placed lights in front of the tombstones! eeerie! Happy Halloween! ~*~Lisa

  6. Looks like a fun time. We had trick or treating around here on Sunday too......was fun seeing all the costumes. Happy Halloween..Colleen

  7. That's so cool they do that for the kids. Your trick or treaters look snazzy. You look excellent as well :)
    (> ” ” <)
    ( =’o'= )
    Happy Halloween!


  8. Wonderful costumes and makeup. I'm glad you had such a great time.

  9. Well doesn't that just look like a ton of fun! You look...well...creepy! Lol..I love it!

  10. Just loved everything in this post.The eyes in your top floor so neat,the parade,the spider web girls so pretty.Sounds like a wonderful time.Warm Blessings!~Amy

  11. WooooHoooo
    How fun are you!!
    What a fun day.
    Woolie Hugs

  12. Hi Robin...waht a great tradition and how the kids in town must look forward to it every year..
    Your spook looked fantasic..what fun Halloween is and so glad that you enjoy it as much as the kids do. sorry your camera died what a bummer..

    Hope all is well with you and yours and you have enjoyed the coming of fall and all the beautiful colors this year.

    Happy Fall Blessings

  13. We dont celebrate halloween in Australia like you all do in the states. But its getting bigger here with stuff becoming available in shops from costumes to enormous carving pumpkins.
    I love the costumes and makeup that everyone takes so much trouble with. but your house!! omg that is amazing! I think i would rather do up my house like that for halloween rather than do christmas decos!! lol

  14. Wowzers Robin! - I really wish i could have stopped by! You captured so much Halloween fun...You Rock! thanks for sharing your beautiful self in your costume....was it a costume? tee hee my kinda gal!;0)

  15. Robin, what a wonderful tradition you have in your town, I love it! You looked absolutely 'spooktacular' in your Halloween costume, thanks so much for sharing! Deb

  16. This was a super fun post. I wanted to look back and get caught up! I love your house. Halloween at your house next year! lol


Thanks for taking the time to stop by and leave me a comment!!!
Have A Great Day!!!