Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Saved from the Landfill ~

Hi Prim Friends!!!
Over the weekend I had an opportunity to go through a house that was going to be ripped down. All contents in the home was going to the landfill.
I was so excited ~ but sad at the same time.
The husband had passed and the wife/Mom was put into a nursing home.  The kids didn't want anything that was left in the home or the home itself.
A friend of ours works for a company that does odd jobs, landscaping and removal etc...
So of course I'm going to go ~ I love to go pickin'!
I was amazed at the condition of the home.  There was a lot of dust and cob webs,
to be blunt it looked like a hoarders home.  
This is going to be a dirty job!!! 
Here's some of the goodies I found ~
I have a fetish for oil cans ~ my sweet husband found these.

vintage bottles and pans

red handled kitchen ware

vintage scissors

hat pins

crystal egg/veggie serving tray

Thought this was kinda unique ~ I collect tin ware

My husband found this and thought I would like this ~ heck yeah!!!

These tin boxes are kinda beat up ~ but I really liked them.

vintage washboard
a tin box filled with vintage keys
There were other items we found  ~ vintage wooden rulers, old metal gas cans, bushel baskets and vintage mirrors to name a few.
I really did have fun and would love to do that again.
Thanks so much Chris and Jane for letting us tag a long.
Did you see anything you liked???
Thanks so much for stopping by!
Until Next Time
Save something from going to the landfill!
Prim Blessings


  1. Love the red handled kitchen ware! And those son would go crazy!! Great finds:)

  2. Oh my Gosh Robin. What some wonderful goodies you did get. I simply love them all. The old tins, vintage scissors, washboard, well heck all of the items are just wonderful. So proud you got to salvage these things. Sad the children didn't want these treasures. You have some great friends to let you go thru the home. Enjoy your treasures. Have a blessed day.

  3. Oh, YEAH, love it all, especially the metal tins, the KEYS, I LOVE vintage keys and vintage utensils, I collect them :)

    Lucky lucky you!!!!!! Lucky they found a good home with you!!

    Oh, pop on over and see what I did with my vintage yardsticks!!!!


  4. Oh how fun! I love keys and the art deco licorice tin. Lots of goodies! Warm Blessings!-Amy

  5. How fun!!!
    What a find, you are so lucky.
    What a great way to spend a day poking around an old house. Even if you have to work for it, it's still worth it.

  6. Wow!You are so lucky. I love those keys and red handled goodies. Oh what fun you must have had.

  7. WOW! I can't believe these things would have been lost forever! So sad. Odd how a lifetime of saved things can be gone in a day. Good job picking Robin! ~*~Lisa

  8. Did I see anything I like? Well yeah, how 'bout everything :)

  9. Wow, you hit the jackpot girlfriend, you sure found alot of goodies, can't believe the children weren't interested and want the house torn down, how sad. I know you love and appreciate the wonderful goodies that you found, thanks for sharing. hugs, Lecia

  10. Wow! You have got to win the prize for the luckiest person alive this month! I can't believe that the children did not want anything there. How very sad : ( I am glad you were able to give those things a good home!

  11. How cool.
    Love those treasures indeed.
    What fun.
    Woolie Hugs

  12. Be still my heart! Holy smokes but I love it all,especially those oil cans , tin boxes and all those keys!So glad you were able to save all those lovely goodies!Hugs,Jen

  13. Jackpot!!!! That mush have been a blast! You saved so many good things the scissors and pins are my favorites. The adding machine is a hoot...I need one like that for craft fairs.
    Enjoy your day,

  14. Wow...what an opportunity and a haul! Great pickin! At least these items were saved by you and not thrown out.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  15. I love how you displayed the scissors and hat pins in the old floral frog. I have some of those. I may steal your idea. I love all the tins and beat up is great. Vintage keys? How many stories you can come up with for those! I remember when we were kids, every town had a dump and we would take our things out on Sunday after church. We found all kinds of cool things. That carried over to my adult life and my girl friend and I went out in the country and snooped through abandoned houses. Nowadays, they are all posted but there is still spring clean-up in every town and you can drive around and scavenger from other people's cast-offs. Hubby brought me home a screen door one year--a really heavy and really old one. We used it as a trellis for a clematis vine.
    I envy you being able to do that. You must have had a great time. Good finds!!!!


Thanks for taking the time to stop by and leave me a comment!!!
Have A Great Day!!!