Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Where Oh Where have you Been???

Hello Prim Friends!
Sorry I've been missing again ~ it's been awhile!
I just can't seem to catch up with everything going on.
I've been trying to read blogs but fall behind ~ I guess that's life.
Now it's spring ~ finally ~ and there's so much to do.
I'll try to catch you up with what's been going on in my neck of the woods.
Picture heavy post!!!
Last time we talked I was going to my nephews wedding.
It was a Beautiful wedding and we had a wonderful time.
Congratulations to Adam and Sarah!!!
May you both have a long life together with much Happiness!
At the wedding they had a anniversary dance with couples being married the longest.
As the years added up the couples dwindled ~ they got to 64 years and there was one couple left on the dance floor ~
Congratulations Aunt Tootie & Uncle Bruce! 
Wow 64 years!!! 
They asked for any advice ~ Uncle Bruce said: When the wife says something ~
You just say Yes Dear!!!
Spring has finally arrived ~ I hope here in Wisconsin.
I love to go for walks and going for bike rides.
On those journeys there is so much to soak in.
The robin came back and built another nest in our bushes.
No eggs yet ~ but I'll be watching!
The trees are starting to bud ~
and showing signs of new growth ~
and new life ~
The bunnies are out ~
along with the children ~
Oh I just love Spring and all that it brings!
I've also have been busy creating and working on projects ~
You all know that is never ending ~ that's what we love to do.
So I've been working on boards ~ so many to sand ~

because we all need a sign ~
I've also been making dolls ~
Nutmeg ~ TFC Folk Art pattern
and some stitchin'
Country Rustic Primitives design

Stacy Nash design

another Stacy Nash design.
That it for now ~ I better get busy!!!
So much to do
such Little Time!!!
What have you been up to or working on???
Are you starting to work on fall projects???
Thanks so much for stopping by!!!
Until Next Time
Hope for the best,
be prepared for the worst,
and take what comes with a grin!
Prim Blessings


  1. Awww, young love! Don't you love the fresh green of new leaves? So pretty when the sun shines through. Love your nutmeg doll - going to try and sew tonight! Keep on creating Robin! ~*~Lisa

  2. Hi Robin, I know what you mean about being busy, I will read a blog and think I will come back and comment and seems I don't have the time. Congratulations to your nephew and his beautiful bride, and love to hear stories like your aunt and uncle being married for 64 years, true love! Love all of your new creations, love your signs, dolls and stitcheries, prim perfect. Love your spring pictures, have a lovely Spring. hugs, Lecia

  3. Hello Robin, you sure have been a busy all the signs of Spring, new life, new growth, so great to be outdoors in the warm sunshine again......Love all you prim projects....Blessings Francine.

  4. Congrat. to the happy couple. They looks so happy. And 64 years together,,,what an inspiration. Wow, you have really been busy. Neat sighns and stitches. Yes, I am working on fall/christmas items for the show I do in Sept. It is the only one I do, so I work year round to get ready for it. Have a great week.

  5. You are one busy girl! Your Uncle sounds like a wise man.

    Love the signs and stitcheries

  6. HiRobin,
    So nice to hear from you.
    What beautiful couples!
    Love the idea of the couples dance to determine the oldest.
    Love your stitcheries and signs.
    Glad to hear it is starting to warm up for you.
    I love Spring!

  7. Holy moley! What a great bunch of photos & what a great bunch of stuff! So happy for your nephew & uncle & their brides : )


Thanks for taking the time to stop by and leave me a comment!!!
Have A Great Day!!!