Wednesday, April 22, 2015

It's been

cold, dreary, raining and snowing at times the last couple of days and it doesn't look any better for the rest of the week ~ ugh!

But that hasn't stopped the birds from playing around ~

building their nests!

A robin has been busy building her nest on top of a gas can that I have on my porch.

I don't know if she is going to like it there when the dogs are out there most days when it's nice.

Other than that I haven't really been doing much ~
Just working on a few creations and stitchin' ~ but haven't finished anything as of yet.

Over the weekend I went to an antique show but didn't really buy a whole lot.
Looked for Karen from My Colonial Home ~ but didn't find her ~ bummer.

On Sunday it was a Beautiful day so we gathered up the dogs and headed for the park ~

and did a little kite flying!
I can't wait for another nice day to do that again ~ it was Fun!!!

This weekend I'm going to take a road trip over to Cottage House Primitives in Lodi to see Carol ~
She is having a Tent Sale & Open House.  They have opened up another room and expanded their wool area ~ Looking forward to seeing what she's been up to!
I'll see if she'll let me take some pic's for you!
In the mean time you can follow her here on Facebook ~

and since I'll be over that way I'll have to head over to the Country Sampler in Spring Green and see if I can find some stitchin' goodies there!  Life is Good!

Until Next Time

Enjoy the little things in life that make you smile!



  1. Hope your weather smartens up Robin, we were having lovely weather here but now a cold front has blown in and it was snowing here yesterday too, ugh! The poor hummingbirds who just arrived were looking a bit chilly :O( How fun to go kite flying, haven't done that in years! Have a great road trip, hope you find lots of new goodies :O)

  2. So neat that there is a nest amongst your porch goodies! Hope your weather warms up!


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Have A Great Day!!!