Friday, August 14, 2015

What a Jouney Day 3!

Well today's post is about day 3 of my journey to the Elkhorn flea market!

The sky's were overcast and there was a chance it could down pour at anytime.
But Thank the good Lord it held off ~ it was actually pleasant until the clouds started to part and the sun decided to come out.  
Yep it got HOT & Humid!

If you've never been to the Elkhorn Flea Market I highly suggest you make the journey to one of their shows ~ it's well worth the trip.  Usually there is around 550 vendors.  The last show is in Sept and that one is my favorite one to attend.

I didn't take any pictures at the show this time around ~ it was just me and it was difficult for me to push the cart and hang onto bags etc... ~ I'm sure you get the idea!!!

But I did want to share what I saw when I was leaving the show and heading towards the highway to head home.
This building caught my eye!
I thought wouldn't it be cool to convert this into an antique shop???
Of course I had to pull over and peek in the windows.
Low and behold this is what I saw inside ~
(mind you ~ I was trying to take pics through mini blinds!)

The next couple of pics is what was on the outside of the building

I really liked this one ~ so Unique!!!

It's getting late ~
Better get going it's a two hour drive home ~

Country Roads take me Home!

Only 63 more miles!!!

Hope you enjoyed my little weekend adventure :)

Tomorrow I'll show you what all came home with me!!!

Until Next Time

Pull over sometimes ~ you might be pleasantly surprised!!!

Many Blessings


  1. What a fab old garage and can't wait to see what you bought!

  2. OMG I love that garage and everything in it, what a hidden treasure! Can't wait to see all you got Robin!
    Be blessed,

  3. Wow! Sounds like a dream trip! Hope you found lots of goodies to enjoy♥ Thanks for taking time to share the pics of the "garage" - what a gem! ~*~Lisa


Thanks for taking the time to stop by and leave me a comment!!!
Have A Great Day!!!