Wednesday, July 6, 2016

It's been a while

and I've been extremely busy!
I just can't seem to find the time to do every thing I want to do ~ so sadly blogging is at the bottom of my list. 
Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th and you got to spend some time with family & friends.

Recently I attended the Elkorn Flea Market ~ one of favorite places to find treasures and bump into friends ~ Karen it was so nice seeing you!!!

Here's some of the treasures that came home with me!

Cigar box, small butter crock, candy container & vintage photo

bought this beauty for my bathroom
Hopefully it works or I'll resell at the shop!

I thought this was a unique find
meat price tags in original box from the 1920's


Love to find jugs at a great price!

cigar humidor

fun stuff!

baskets & berry pails!

It wouldn't be any fun if you didn't bring home at least 1 child's chair!

Tomorrow I'm heading to Illinois to go treasure hunting ~ we'll finish up our stay on Saturday after attending the Sweet Annies Primitive show in Bishop Hill. 
Is anybody else attending the show???

It's been nice chatting with you all!

I'll be back again ~ hopefully to show more treasures and tell you about the show!

Until Next Time

Do what you LOVE!

Many Blessings


  1. Hope you are having a wonderful Summer, I love all of your prim goodies,
    You sure found some awesome treasures.

  2. Looks like you scored some great goodies! Janice

  3. Have fun at Bishop Hill, plan on going someday...Earlene


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Thanks for taking the time to stop by and leave me a comment!!!
Have A Great Day!!!