Yep ~ I'm trying to play catch-up Again!!!
The days of summer are just to darn busy ~ always something to do or that needs to be done.
What happened to the Lazy Days???
So lets catch-up with what has been going on the last couple of weeks.
If things are going to happen they are going to happen to me!
I finally got my husband to cut all my boards for me ~ for making signs.
I was sitting outside going through all my stencils ~ and what in the world is
It landed on my arm. Oh my gosh I went into a fit ~ screaming ~ arms flying ~ jumping around like my pants are on fire.
Seriously ~ wouldn't you???
My neighbors probably get a good laugh out of me
"That's Robin ~ she must of seen a bug or something"
Look at those Antenna's on that thing!
If that's not enough
One weekend I was to meet my sister Sandy at a Flea Market
When this happened ~ Let the 3 fur babies out before I had to leave ~ mind you all Golden Retrievers
I told all 3 ~ I'm running late ~ go do your thing and get back up to the house.
Two of the dogs went to the back yard ~ the youngest of the three went the other way ~ I yelled at him and said Buster get out in the back yard ~ get out of my Hydrangea bushes. All of sudden he yanked his head out and was shaking it back and forth so fast ~ I thought what in the world is he doing ~ I kinda squinted my eyes and thought to myself ~ That's an awfully fluffy toy ~ Then ~ You don't have a toy that looks like that ~ I walked closer to the railing on our deck and realized it was a raccoon ~ Oh my Lord!!! I started screaming trying to get him to drop this animal and also trying to keep the other two away ~ when he finally dropped it ~ the darn thing would run towards me hissing and putting his paw up ~ then one of the other dogs would snatch it up. I kid you not I was screaming "PLEASE ~ Someone help me" for over twenty minutes. ~ Yes some neighbors were outside ~ NO - NOBODY came to help me ~ I was exhausted. When I finally got all the dogs up on the deck ~ I had to call my neighbor to get rid of the raccoon. Poor thing was suffering.

To top it off ~ When I was walking one of my dogs on the walking trail behind my house last night there were 3 raccoons down there. Do you think they were looking for REVENGE??
O.k. on to better and brighter things!
I did make it to the Flea Market and found a few treasures.
Yep ~ Some more bottles ~ the tallest one is an old juice bottle with a child's face imprinted in the glass and the other bottle is an old baby bottle with dogs imprinted in the glass and a cute creamer spoon.
Beautiful pewter creamer and saucer!
and I found these wonderful old books from around 1885 - 1895 1st editions
I just Love old books ~ especially when they were only $1.00 each!
When I was walking back to my car after the Flea Market I saw the new billboard sign for
Primitive Gatherings
I love to go to this shop ~ she has so many wonderful things!
I also went Barn Pickin' and took my friend Vera and her husband Chuck along.
Found a few treasures there too!
A wonderful old scale ~ When I got home I noticed one of the patents was my B-day ~ not the year of course!!!
A vintage seed sack!
A vintage feed sack ~ I believe? I'm going to use it as a table runner!
Vintage carnival sticks ~ does anybody remember these???
This wonderful old heater ~ I'm going to use it as a plant stand on my porch!
Vera and Chuck got an old ladder and made it into a grape arbor ~ such a wonderful idea!
(Sorry I didn't get a pic)
They also bought a piece of an old grain conveyor belt and made it into a plant hanger!
How cool is that???
Here's my feed sack on my dining room table ~ What do you think???
On June 7th was my son ~ Michael's B-day so we had a picnic lunch in the park!
We had a lot of fun and enjoyed the beautiful day!
My son Michael and my daughter Amanda!
I made up a few ditty bags for the 4th of July
What do you think???
My finger healed up nicely
Still swollen
and still can't bend it very far ~ but I'm working on it ~ no matter how painful it is!
Well I better sign off and catch up with you all later ~ I've got lots of boards I have to work on!
Tomorrow I'm going to Strawberry Fest in Waupaca!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend
Until Next Time
Prim Blessings
P.S. Sorry that was a long one ~ I'll try not to get so far behind next time!!!